Over the next few weeks, we’ll take a look at two different roofing options: metal roofing and asphalt roofing. Both materials have pluses, and today we showcase a few things to think about when considering steel for your next roofing project.

VanWeelden Co. installation of a vertical seam roof by Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp.
Every homeowner knows the burden of having to reroof his or her home. After just a couple years of rough Iowa winters or storm-packed summers, you may be forced to replace your roof a lot sooner than anticipated.
Even if your roof was installed properly – even if it was a quality product – the expense of reroofing always seems to come earlier than you’d like. As you pick up the phone to call the contractor, you think to yourself, “Didn’t I just do this a few short years ago?”
Luckily, using steel roofing can delay that call by decades.
With an anticipated lifespan of 40-50 years, metal can lengthen time between roofing jobs, saving you the recurring cost of reroofing every 15-20 years. In fact, metal roofing can be an attractive, sustainable roofing option that helps the environment as much as it does your wallet. Each metal roofing option is designed to reduce solar heat gain, cutting your summer cooling bills and potentially saving you thousands of dollars over time. Metal can also help the environment by reducing asphalt waste.
However, the up-front cost of a metal roof is definitely something to consider, too.
Having a metal roof installed typically costs more than asphalt, since the materials themselves cost more. But that price gap is closing, as shown in an article on ProfessionalRoofing.net. An outline from MetalSales.com covers how much can be saved over time.
VanWeelden Co. installs a full line of both environmentally friendly and low-maintenance steel-roofing systems, including Metal Sales™ commercial or standing seam steel roof panels featuring solar reflective paint technology. We also handle MetroSHAKE® by Metro Roof Products, a durable product built to meet Energy Star requirements and also available in a highly reflective color range. Our trusted manufacturers of metal roofing typically offer a 50-year prorated warranty.
The choice comes down to what’s best for you. No matter what material you choose for your roofing project, just make sure you’re using certified installers who have consulted with you directly and can meet your specific roofing needs.
Check in next week for the second half of our comparative spotlight on roofing materials, when we examine the benefits of asphalt roofing. As always, feel free to contact us today about any of our energy-efficient metal or reliable asphalt roofing system options.