

What You Need to Know About Your Role in a Roofing Project

You make the call, you sit back, and wait. Professional roofing crews arrive. What are you supposed to be doing while they are working?  […]

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3 Best Things You Can Do for Your Home Roof

Replacing the roof on your home is considered a major investment. Therefore, it only makes sense to do what you can to ensure that your new or existing roof will achieve its projected lifespan. Here are the three best things you can do for your home roof to protect your investment. […]

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How to Vet Your Super Responsive Home Roofer!

The roof is one of the most vital features of your home. It keeps you and your family safe. It’s what boosts your home’s exterior curb appeal. Having a super responsive home roofer by your side is the only way to make sure your roof remains in top condition year round. […]

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3 Warning Signs that it’s Time to Replace Your Roof

Although the last thing you’ll want to do is replace your roof — replacing a roof can be inconvenient not to mention expensive. It’s not something you’ll want to put off if it has to be done. A roof that needs to be replaced is often more vulnerable to serious damage or has already experienced serious damage, meaning that it could present a safety risk. Keeping that in mind, the following are three sure signs your roof needs to be replaced: […]

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Why a New Roof is Crucial to the Resale Success of Your Home

There are many reasons why getting a new roof on your home makes sense, not the least of which is protecting the exterior and interior of your house from water damage and other issues. But a roof replacement also helps for another critical reason: it increases the resale value of your home. The most recent survey by Remodeling Magazine said a new roof could increase your home’s value by up to approximately $24,000. […]

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Which Residential Shingle Is Right For You

Very few Des Moines homeowners live in low-slope (flat roof) homes. Most of us pride ourselves on the beauty of our home’s roofs — how the color, style, and material harmonize or complement our houses. Selecting a new roof is a big decision. The wrong color, shingle pattern or thickness can be a mistake you have to live with for years. Take your time considering the right residential shingle for your home. […]

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Your 4 Roofing Options And How To Pick One

You have decided on a new roof, but now you must come to grips with reality: what kind of roof will suit your Des Moines home? […]

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What You Should Know About Curb Appeal

The exterior of your home has a big impact on how you feel about it. After all, it’s why you mow the lawn, plant flowers, and keep your property clean. How your exterior looks also leaves a big impression on what other people think about your home. In fact, this means what your property looks like can directly affect its value. The impact of your exterior’s look from all of these different things is known as “curb appeal.” […]

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Replacing Your Roof

Replacing a Des Moines roof calls for some strategic thinking. […]

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Is My Shingle Roof Leaking?

  Your shingle roof is supposed to help protect your Des Moines area home from the rain (along with other potentially damaging elements, of course); however, leaks can happen for any number of reasons. […]

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