Taking care of your roof should go hand in hand with taking care of your home. Just as you prepare for weather changes, maintain large appliances and put snow tires on your vehicle, you should also have an annual check and maintenance plan for your roof. With a checklist you can inspect your roof and the area around your home to give your roofer a comprehensive report.
Your Roofing Checklist
This list will help you communicate with your roofer when they come out to do an annual maintenance check. You should inspect your roof at least every six months (weather permitting), as well as after a heavy storm. The inspection should always be from the ground, or inside the attic.
- Look for debris, sticks or limbs on the roof
- Look for any pooling water
- Check all the downspouts around the house to be sure they are clear
- Check all the gutters for blockage
- Check for wood rot or warping under all of the eaves, soffit and extended porch areas or patio cover
- Look for missing, broken or askew shingles or tiles
- Check the ground around your home for any parts of the roof as well
- Look at the flashing around the chimney, vent cages, air vents and skylights to see if there are any missing pieces or damage.
- Inside, check the ceilings in all rooms for any discoloration or evidence of water damage
- Check in the attic for any signs of animal damage or water damage
- At least once while it is raining, check around the house to be sure that the water is flowing out and away from the home properly and that there is no damage to the gutters or downspouts that you’d be unable to see when they are dry.
Use this list to help maintain your roof and to communicate with your Des Moines roofer about maintenance or repairs that may need addressed. When small repairs are made, it prevents larger issues in the future. In Des Moines, contact VanWeelden Co. at (515) 979-4772 to come out and do an inspection. They can also help you set up a maintenance plan.