How long will you be in your Des Moines-area home? A few years? A few decades? Saving money on your home’s roof can be either a quick turnaround or a long game. The choice of strategy matters when dealing with residential roofers Des Moines homeowners look to for roof work.

Short Time

Say you know you will be moving in five or so years, for business, military obligations, or to travel the world. Your goal is to invest as little as possible in your home’s roof while still providing enough curb appeal to get the home sale. Smart residential roofers, Des Moines homeowners rely on, like VanWeelden Company, will recommend conscientious maintenance. Annual inspections, gutter cleanings, and a little tree-trimming may get you through.

If you inherited a badly neglected roof in buying an existing Des Moines home, you do have to get it up to strength with roof repair and intense maintenance. Still, these spot repairs will not cost nearly as much as a full roof replacement.

Middle Years

Your current Des Moines home is neither your starter home nor where you plan to retire, but you will be raising kids in it. You may want 20 years under your roof. This is where a fiberglass-asphalt shingle roof is ideal. Its typical lifespan is around two decades, and shingles have the lowest installation cost of any residential roofing material.

Maintenance on a shingle roof is easy and inexpensive, too. Annual inspection and spot repair will keep the roof performing well throughout the penny-pinching, belt-tightening, child-rearing time you stay in your home. You have other things to spend money on, like diapers and tricycles; save roofing costs by investing in a new roof when you first move in.

Long Haul

If you plan to stay in your home for decades to come (no job, military deployment or adventure-seeking to change your plans), consider investing in metal roofing. It costs more than fiberglass-asphalt shingles at installation, but it will be the only roof your home needs in your lifetime. Upkeep is minimal; energy savings can be boosted with the right reflective surface.

Among residential roofers Des Moines homeowners rely upon, VanWeelden Company ranks high. We strive for excellent customer service, we appreciate the value of a dollar, and we hope to make lifetime clients, not one-time buyers. Please contact us today to learn how we can help save you money.

Read: 3 Priority Actions for Your Roof This Year